Town of
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- Utilities

Town of
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- Utilities

The Town of Monongah faces the challenge of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs)
The Town of Monongah operates and maintains a wastewater collection system consisting of more than 10 miles of gravity sewer pipe ranging in size from 4" to 12". Access to the collection system is provided through more thsn 80 manholes. Three sewage lift station pump sewage through more than 3 miles of forcemain to the gravity collection system. The collection system conveys the sewage to the Westchester Lift Station on Rt 19 located along the West Fork River.
The Town of Monongah Program
The Town of Monongah continues to implement the Nine Minimum Controls as outlined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The nine minimum controls are:
- Proper Operation and Maintenance Program
- Maximization of Storage in the Collection System
- Review and Modification of Pretreatment Requirments
- Maximization of Flow to the Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Elimination of Dry Weather Overflows
- Control of Solids and Floatable Materials
- Pollution Prevention
- Public Notification
- Monitoring to Characterize CSO Impacts
The Nine Minimum Controls are considered a set of good housekeeping practices aimed at minimizing the frquency of CSO discharges at a minimal cost.
The Town of Monongah has also submited a Phase I Long Term Control Plan (LTCP), to deal with the CSOs, to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The Plan has been approved by the WV DEP. The LTCP goes beyond the Nine Minimul Controls and consists of costly improvements to the wastewater collection system.
Public Notice of CSOs
Warning signs have been placed at and around CSO outfall locations. The signs indicate that a CSO overflow is nearby and the waters may be polluted during and immediately following rain events. The CSOs should only discharge during wet weather.
For more information or to report a CSO discharge during dry weather please contact us at 304-534-3320 or 304-534-3365.
©Town of Monongah 2023 For After Hour Emergency Service call 304-367-5300